Relectrify News
Relectrify selected as science-based innovator, presents at Falling Walls
Germany’s Falling Walls Conference was established in 2009 to bring together the brightest thinkers and doers with a view of identifying key walls that can be overcome by means of technological or social breakthroughs.
The organising committee chose 20 globally leading innovative science-based companies that have been invited to present at Berlin’s Falling Walls Conference. And we were very pleased that Relectrify was selected as one of these companies.
At the conference, Relectrify co-founder Val had the opportunity to present our vision of affordable and sustainable energy storage to a select group including Obi Felten, Head of Moonshots at Google X, and Marion Horstmann, Managing Director of Siemens’ next47 Innovation Unit, among numerous other key corporate and venture capital stakeholders.
It was a pleasure to received this exposure and build a rapport with many outstanding people.